The "Find, Take, & Teach" program for family history is really picking up in the Manhattan YSA Ward in the stake center on 87th Street. We have been able to provide each of the consultants with a family history experience and they have all been really excited about the outcome.
I worked with Jocelyn Shaver and Golden worked with Bruce Pack. Jocelyn's line when we started in FamilyTree was very small. Her father's line only went back about 3 or 4 generations and there was nothing on her mother's line. She had added herself and a few people but she felt pretty down with what she had. Her desire was to find her family.
When I went into FamilyTree, I noticed that her grandfather showed up double in the family view. One was with a wife and the other had no wife but her father was attached to him as a child. Her father was also attached to her grandfather and grand mother. By having her move her father from her grandfather that did not have a wife to the one that had a wife, it broke her line wide open and added several generations to her Tree. She was amazed and excited. I then had her remove her father from the one that had no wife and it cleaned up the line.
We had time, so I moved her into the second lesson that I had prepared and helped her look for sources to prove the family and add family members that she found in the census records. She was able to add three children and a wife from the first 1880 Census; Nelson, Ida, and Charles and his wife Adaline,
When she found the 1892 Census it gave her three more children that she could add to the family. I had her clear and reserve the wife and three children but told her to hold the temple work until we completed searching for more records in the family. After checking the 1900 Census, she was able to find one remaining daughter on the family, giving Andrew and Adaline Shaver seven children. When she adds the children and the documents, she will be able to to the baptism for the family and have her parents do the rest of the temple work.
I had Jocelyn go into Find A Grave Index to see if we could find the death of Adaline as one of the census records indicated that Andrew was widowed. We found the burial record for Adeline Burnside verifying that she was indeed the wife of Andrew Burnside, so we knew that we had the right family.
One of the records led us to believe that we could find a marriage record, so I showed her where we went and she was able to look at the marriage record of Nina Viola Burnside. I pointed out to her that the mother of Nina Viola Burnside was Adaline Park. (She had found the maiden name of Adaline and was able to add it to the record for Adaline.) Jocelyn was excited and wanted to go through the images of the records that I had for her and go through the other lesson plans so she could assimilate all that she had learned. She was really excited.
My next experience was with Brandon Price and he requested that I try and break the line back into Sweden. I did some research but could not go far because I did not have enough information and I could not get into the Swedish website without paying for it. I later found that he had gone to the family history center and had Liz Hanson work with him and she was really good, as she is from Denmark and is good with research in that area of the world. I told him that he could stay with her as it was a good match. I was able to find one name for him to take to the temple and one that he could take if he would do a little work on it.
This "Find, Take, & Teach" Program is powerful and can have a major impact on the wards and stake if they implement and support it. It changes hearts and moves people to conversion and that is what it is all about. We love working this program and hope to able to reach as many consultants as we can to train them and get them comfortable to prepare experiences for members in their wards.
In all, we were involved in four training sessions today; Manhattan YSA, Manhattan 2nd and 3rd Wards combined, Lincoln Square Mid-Singles Branch, and Lincoln Squre YSA Ward. Coming back from the first two, we noticed from the bus that trucks were being loaded with snow to be transported out of NYC. On our way to Church the same thing was happening.
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Snow is removed from the NYC streets on Sunday morning to transport out of the City. |
This was the lesson prepared this week for Bruce. He will be going to Utah this week and with General Conference the last week of this month and Stake Conference the following one, it will be Easter Sunday before he will be back. It will be interesting to hear if he mentions it to his mother who has been very involved in family history for a number of years.
As we serve in the NYC Family History Center here on Columbus Avenue in Manhattan, Liz Hanson, who was born in Denmark, has placed a framed picture there. It shows the "Host Arrayed in White" and a hymn copy has been displayed alongside it. That is shown below. I think she purchased it from one of the Second-Hand stores here in Manhattan. This pretty much sums up what we are about here.
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"Behold, A Host Arrayed in White" |
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