Sunday, September 24, 2017

24September 2017

Monday, September 11 was a day of celebration here in New York City.  It is the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in Lower Manhattan sixteen years ago.  Although it had been planned to occur on September 11at 9:11 am in 2001, it was a few minutes after that when the first attack of a hijacked airliner hit the first of the Twin Towers.  The building that was place near that site, taller than either of the Twin Towers, is known today as the Freedom Tower.

We did some training with the FHC Director, Lyn Wilcox, and the Assistant FHC Director, Nobuko Takabori, helping them to start to fill in some of the assignments we have been doing in the Family History Center (since we will be leaving the mission soon).  We also prepared "Helping Others Love Family History" experiences for Dillon and Alex Ramey, Temple and Family History Consultants from the Manhattan 1st Ward,  Since it was our preparation day, we also did the laundry and house cleaning.  Golden had the idea of inviting Ryan Wood, Inwood 1st Ward Elders Quorum President to have a demo experience in their Elder's Quorum before we leave our mission.  He agreed for after General Conference.

[Diane]:  On the 12th of September, I went into the temple foyer for a break from the FHC and to go the the restroom. Brother Brown asked me to come over to the desk as he needed some help. Valeria was on a break from her classes and had three choices on where to go, but for some reason, she was drawn to this building but did not know why. She didn't even know what was in the building and the feeling was very strong. She kept touching her heart and trying to figure out what she was feeling. Brother Brown was at the recommend desk and needed some missionary contacts for her in the New York New York South Mission. I ran over to the FHC and got the number and brought it back.

When I gave her the number, I asked her if she had seen the pictures in the other side of the building and she had not. I asked her if she knew about the Book of Mormon and she had not, so I had her follow me and I gave her the Book of Mormon. I began the picture tour of the Book of Mormon and when I got the the picture of the Savior's birth with Mary and Joseph, I explained to her that Nephi was able to have a vision and was given the opportunity to see the birth of the Savior. She immediately started to ask if  that was the same Jesus in the Bible. I said yes and then she said she needed to find him and I reassured her that she would. She had come to the right place.

When I got to the elevator, when the doors opened Sister Coffee and her companion were there. I asked them if they would continue to tour with her and they were really excited. After spending a lot of time with her, the missionaries came down and they stopped at the FHC. I told Valeria to remember that she was a daughter of God and He wanted her back home and that was what brought her there. She left in tears wanting to be baptized. It was a wonderful experience.

[Golden]: While Diane was at Occupation Therapy, I organized a lesson plan for Ryan Wood, outlining his great grandmother (end of line), finding her parents and sister in Nebraska) in preparation for an upcoming Elders Quorum demonstration.

[Diane]"  On the 13th of September it was quite slow in the FHC so when Zadia and Aurea (our Spanish volunteers - nonmembers of the Church) came in to relieve us, they wanted me to teach them how to do photos and stories. I spent the next two hours teaching them and they were loving it and getting really excited about what they could do.

[Golden]:  Over the past few days, I worked with Devin Barnett, a member from Miami, Florida who was spending time at the Family History Center and Manhattan Temple while he was off work.  As a Amtrak employee, he spends five days on and five days off the train between Miami and New York City.  Due to Hurricane Irma, trains were not running so he was making use of his time.  He and his wife were recently called as Temple and Family History Consultants in their ward, and he was trying to learn as much as he could about  I also worked again with Ruth Braithwaite who is becoming somewhat of a regular patron, helping her prepare for a cousins reunion.

[Diane]:  On the 14th of September, Sister Roslyn Pratt came in and had some pictures that she wanted help with in FamilyTree. I took pictures of them with my camera and told her that we would have to wait until the next day when I could get the pictures from the cloud and download them. Sister Pratt is very scary when it comes to having anything of hers on the web,but I reassured her that I would remove them as soon as I got them downloaded and into FamilyTree.

The next day she was there first thing.  I showed her the pictures and she was amazed at what was happening. We went through and fixed some of them up so there were in good shape and then I had her upload the pictures into her gallery and showed her how to attach them. We were able to attach documents that she had that proved baptism and death information. When they were attached to her family member, she was overjoyed because she knew that they would not be changing the data anymore.

The next day she brought me several more pictures that she wanted me to help her with. This was so unusual for Sister Pratt because she was so fearful of the Internet. She won't even own a cell phone. She started opening up and tell me stories of her father and mother in South Africa and it was such a joy to work with her. When I first came to New York, she walked out of the center because I did not do the job she expected. It was not a good start, so to have her really enjoying herself with me was a wonderful experience.

On September 15th, we had another busy day at the FHC with all eight computers busy. I had two new individuals that were new to family history, so I could not work with both of them. The gentleman that came in insisted that his family name was from Bethlehem. When I asked him if it was the Bethlehem near Jerusalem, he would say "NO", I am from Bethlehem. This was the first visitor that I had been with from the east so I thought that Golden would be much better with him than me and I went back to the sister that I was working with.

After about three hours nonstop, I needed a break so went out into the hallway and ran into another investigator. She said that she was looking for some sisters. I asked her if she wanted missionaires, and she said yes. I said, "Okay, lets go look upstairs;" as I thought that I saw a couple of them go up. As I walked the hallway, it was really quiet and I began to get concerned that I would not be able to find her missionaries. As I approached the last room, there were two missionaries. I opened the door and asked if there were any missionaries that could help me. They got up with enthusiasm and then I told them that I had an investigator that wanted to meet with them. They really got excited and I introduced them to her and left.

When the missionaries came down, I asked how it went, and they said that she was a strong investigator and wanted baptism. I thought to myself,"two in one week".  That was pretty good. When we see the light of  Christ come into their eyes, it is such a joy to watch them change when they finally begin to recognize what they are feeling. There are days that I really love this work.

[Golden]:  While Diane was working with Sr. Pratt, I was able to help Sister Sheyla Amador, a member from Olmsted Ward in the Bronx, provide a way to have her grandmother's temple work reserved and a family ordinance card printed.  She was from Dominican Republic and had given birth to her mother who was fathered by a man who was already married.  She knew she had three grandfather's growing up but she didn't realize why.  When she learned that her mother could be sealed to her biological parents, although they didn't marry, she was overwhelmed to tears as well as angry that her mother had been put through so much anguish!

I was also able to help Barbara Sweetie who came in from the street (seeing our sandwich sign) seeking where her mother came from.  Using the 1940 census, we found that she was listed as an adopted daughter to her mother who was listed as a widow as early as 1920 census.  She went away happy and much more knowledgeable than when she came in.

Since a transfer occurred in the NYNY North Mission recently, we did an apartment inspection of the Elders on 125th Street, Harlem.  Elder Small met us and reported that his companion, Elder Mafi, we resting with a headache and wasn't feeling well.  After the inspection, we left our message and it touched Elder Small's heart.  Diane picked up on his anxiety and depression and after a short discussion, she asked if he wanted a priesthood blessing.  He accepted and I was able to grant his desire.

Saturday, Sept 16, we visited the Elders on 128th Street near Lenox Avenue for apartment check.  Elders Aurich & Hatfield (zone leaders and Spanish-speaking missionaries) and Elders Geppelt and Myers (Harlem English-speaking) were all home since we did the inspection at 8:30 am.

On Sunday, training at Manhattan 1st ward involved Preston and Rachel Blair.  Preston is a leader in the Lincoln Square YSA Ward and Rachel is a Temple and Family History Consultant.  We explained the new "Find, Take, Teach" responsibilities for consultants and invited them to let us train via their personal Family History experiences.  They will have theirs after LDS General Conference.  I completed the lesson plan for Ryan Wood's demonstration later in October at Inwood 1st Ward Elders Quorum.

Monday involved apartment inspection of the Sisters' apartment on St. Nicholas Avenue in Harlem.  Sisters Leavitt, Moore, Hess and Israelson were happy to meet us.

The Manhattan Temple Missionaries invited us to participate with them in attending a baseball game at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.  We really enjoyed attending the game between the NY Yankees and the Minnesota Twins, as well as a large ice cream (we decided to trade that for the hotdogs we had talked about) and peanuts and cracker jacks.  It is always more fun when the home team wins the game.  That is what happened --Yankees 2, Twins 1.

Back L-R: Beans, Heidemans, DeBrys, Elder Adams, Bro. Brown, Bro. Gray; Front L-R: Sr. Nabors, Mumfords, Tans, Sr. Adams, Schoenbergers, Sr Gray in the entrance to Yankee Stadium.  Elder Mumford holds the Yankee cap we received as a free gift when we came into the stadium.

NY Yankees warm-up before playing the Minnesota Twins.
Elder Adams, Elder Mumford, Sister Nabors, Sister Mumford
Elder & Sister Adams at Yankee Stadium sporting gift of NY Yankee caps
"Taken out to the Ball Game"

Although high in the air, we had a great view of the ball field
Bro. and Sr. Tan, Manhattan Temple Missionaries

Sr. Mumford, Heidemans, Beans, Tans
 Tuesday, Sept 19 we did an early apartment inspection with Elders Newton, Lusk, Stokes and Taylor on 54th Street.  While Diane had occupational therapy, I walked back to the apartment.  My teeth had been bothering me for the past three days, so I got an appointment with the dentist.  By evening, I was missing a wisdom tooth and the bridge that it carried.

Thursday evening, we attended the Broadway production of "Aladdin".  It seemed like magic and the genie really was amazing.  Of course, it doesn't compare to "Lion King", but we had a wonderful time.

The Adams' by the subway station and in front of the marquee.

The Aladdin marquee at Amsterday Theatre

Interior of the Amsterdam Theater from our seats

Close-up of the "box seats" for Aladdin
It was quite a slow week at the FHC,  but toward the end of the week physical facilities had installed new counter tops in the microfilm room on the third floor of the building. On Friday they hauled a microfilm reader and four carts away and we put one reader, one scanner and two computers in the newly remodeled room.  Tom Hanson and I connected the equipment and got everything working on Friday, and on Saturday a regular patron by the name of B. Patel used the scanner and one of the computers with his on-going research using microfilms he recently ordered.

Equipment and microfilm cabinets in the FHC Microfilm room
[Diane]: Saturday night was General Women's Conference and we had a munch and mingle before the session began. I met with a sister from Canada who was visiting. She was well into family history and had served in the Salt Lake Family History Library back in 2013. She left just before we started our year serving there. It was a joy to spend time with her.

I then spent time with other members of the stake that I had been working with either in the various wards or in the FHC. I actually really enjoyed being there. I get so nervous when I don't know anyone very well. Women's conference was wonderful. The 2nd counselor, Sharon L. Eubank, in the General Relief Society spoke about a message from President Kimball in September 1979 given my his wife, Camille Ering Kimball. This was only the second time that the women of the church had met together in a general meeting worldwide. He stated "much of the major growth that is coming into the Church in the last days will come because many of the good women of the world will be drawn to the church in large number. This will happen to the degree that the women of the church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives to the degree that the women of the church will be seen as distinct and different in happy ways from the women of the world." Women should be righteous rather than Selfish;  Desire integrity which is more valuable than visibility; and true humility;    Clearly express how you feel about something and why.
1. Be Righteous - Develop an interconnection with God;
2. Be Articulate: Clearly express how you feel about the gospel and the savior and why;
3. Be different in a good way; Innovation and creation are spiritual gifts;
4. Be distinct; Be recognizably well defined. practice living the gospel so that you are strong when you need it;
5. Do the first four attributes and be happy doing it. Look with optimism, work with faith, and something good will always happen. Let our light shine with happiness through what we say and what we do.

Sister Neill F. Merritt, Second Counselor of the General Young Women spoke about deepening our knowledge of and our obedience to Heavenly Father. We are born to develop relationships rather than things. The Savior invites us to abide in him and walk with him. Do we trust him. Our trust will come through our covenants with him. We need to learn all that we can about our Savior so that we can know him, not just know of him. When we know the Savior, we develop power to face all challenges and can be strengthened rather than defeated. Changes selfishness into service and develop love and know the plan of salvation.

Joy D. Jones, Primary General President spoke when you find the gospel, we find ourselves and our eternal value through the Holy Ghost. The gospel teaches that we are children of God and we are of value. Don't ever think that you are nothing. President Thomas S. Monson stated "The worth of the soul is the capacity to become as God."

President Uchtdorf talked about the three kinds of people, (1) ones that are sad, (2) ones that are mad, and (3) ones that are glad.
1. Sad Sister: Acted as though she was a victim. This caused her to lose control of her emotions. Remember who you are; a daughter of God, you have the the spiritual DNA of God and are full of capabilities that you can choose from to make like rewarding. You are in God's hands and he cares about you. There are many reasons not to be sad.
2 Mad Sister: She felt that the problems in her life were caused by someone else and lashed out at everyone. She only saw herself as perfect. Each side saw themsevles driven by love rather than hate. Once you degrade a group of people with anger, hurt or attempt to silence them, we are not doing so in righteousness. We are responsible for our own discipleship. Love our enemies and those that despitefully use you is the counsel of our Heavenly Father.
3. Happy Sister: She trusted God in spite of all situations. Se was joyful because of her relationship with our Heavenly Father. Hold to the iron rod and stand steadfast in following the Savior. Stay on the path and never let go of the rod of iron (the word of God).

There is so much to learn from our leaders. I love hearing them and being encouraged to try harder. Following our Savior brings peace and happiness in a crazy world that we are living in.

[Golden]  Today, we spent an amazing 45 minutes with Dallin and Alex Ramey in the FHC, giving them the experiences we had prepared for them.  Dallin's goal was to find out where his ancestors came from.  Diane had found that an end of line couple were from Ireland.  This was a surprise to Dallin as most of his ancestry is from Norway.  Alex had questions on whether a child belonged in one of her ancestral families since only a gender was shown.  From sources already attached, we determined that from what was given in the 1900 and 1910 census records, that child was not accounted for in the number of children born to the mother and living at the time of census.

Alex's maiden name is Olpin and her family has had the Olpin Mortuary in Pleasant Grove, Utah for some generations.  Her maternal grandmother served as a temple worker and was quite active in the Church prior to her death, but was never sealed to her parents.  We were able to discuss this and help Alexa understand that it should be done and was probably an oversight on the part of her grandmother.  She was excited that when her parents visit NYC for Thanksgiving, they can do a temple session and also have her grandmother sealed to her parents with her parents and her being her proxy.  There was a great feeling throughout the experiences.  We love to share these experiences, and the blessings that they bring of conversion. 

Elder M. Russel Ballard made a statement in a recent pageant with the British Saints that applies in conversion equally well to these family history experiences as immigration to Zion.  "Conversion always begins with what people feel, and you can't tell the story . . . without feeling the power of heaven.  It causes people to pack up their bag and go get on a ship in Liverpool and not know where they're going except they're going to Zion [or to continue their journey finding relatives, taking them to the temple, and teaching others to do the same].  They're going to be obedient and do what the Spirit has prompted them to do. And so it is with us today."

Sunday, September 10, 2017

10 September 2017

During the week of August 28th, we had several varied experiences working in the Family History Center.  Monday is a day that the Family History Center is closed.  But we made appointments with Leslie Zeniou, director of the Staten Island FHC and with Abu Conteh, the high priest group leader in the Harlem 1st ward where we had been training temple and family history consultants for much of the summer.

Leslie brought in problems to help some of her patrons that she was not able to answer regarding Mayflower ancestry.  Abu and I worked on his family tree, and he remembered one additonal child in his parents family that was born and died prior to his own birth.  He asked for help on his family, and we determined that FamilySearch did not have records for Bo, Sierra Leone where his family was form, although there are four LDS Churches (one in English) for that city.  We reprinted all his family ordinance cards and we will try to help him with ordinances so that he can be sealed to his parents, as can his siblings who are deceased.

On Tuesday, a couple from France who were visiting a family  member and wanted more help with their research (they were here last summer), Jacques and Catherine Beckmann had problems with their FamilySearch accounts.  In calling FamilySearch, no one could seem to help us as to why Catherine's tree containing deceased persons were in private spaces and not visible to anyone else.  We think that it was because they were from France's colony Algeria which is a restricted country, but the problem was escalated up to the engineers for an answer.  Such are the types of problems we deal with occasionally,

On Wednesday, Vickie Denton and her friend visiting from Florida came into the center. We spent several hours trying to unravel a family mystery, finding lots of discrepant information where more will need to be done.  The 1910 census will probably solve the problem, but we were not able to find such a record for the family in question.

After our serving in the Manhattan Temple on Thursday, Vickie came in again and we spent more time, but were not able to make any further headway in sorting out the information on her family.  She said that she would return another time.

On Friday, Ruth Braithwaite came in with another specific problem and we were able to find records to help, as is usually the case for her.  However, we also had time to work on our own family history and prepared additional family ordinance cards for family file for descendants for ancestors for each of us.

We attended Manhattan 1st Ward meeting block on Sunday.  As in several of the meetings we have recently attended, the theme in combined Priesthood Meeting was on discipleship.  Elder Richard D. Hales talk from the most recent April General Conference and a previous talk from Elder Neal A. Maxwell provided lots upon which to ponder.

If we are diverted by letting our hearts become too set on any trivial or worldly thing, we are not practicing self-denial.  Self-denial of any appetites or actions of the natural man, when we practice it, brings great relief.  Being concerned with tomorrow, true disciples are very careful about today!

On Labor Day, September 4, Elder Ralph Young and Sister Holly Young were over the coordinating of a special day at the Manhattan Temple.  We, along with regular temple missionaries and other missionary volunteers, participated.  Along with two endowment sessions and other ordinances, we were able to participate in a sealing session where most of our family sealings were able to be completed.  Afterwards, we shared in a good light luncheon prepared by Sister Dorothy Bench, temple matron, and Sr. May, one of the temple workers.

On Tuesday, September 5th, we went to Dr. Patrick O'Leary's office with a CD of her x-rays and MRI.  Afterwards, we went to Hospital for Special Surgery where Diane had an appointment for a cat-scan of her neck and a full body x-ray.  During our service in the Family History Center, our dear friends, Rod and Roxann Barney from Salem (who are serving as temple missionaries in Washington D.C.) arrived to spend a few days to experience New York City.  On Labor Day at their temple, over 840 endowments were completed, so they were tired when they arrived.  They spend  a relaxing evening and some time on the roof of our tower, overlooking Central Park and the skyline around us.

This last week has been a wonderful one. We had the opportunity of spending four days with Rod and Roxanne Barney. The Washington DC Temple was closed for maintenance so they came down to see New York while we were here. Staying in our apartment saves them about $300.00 a night on hotel expenses so they can see more of New York.

Roxann and Rod Barney on roof of 2 Lincoln Square (our tower).
On Wednesday, while we were engaged in our activities, Rod and Roxann spent time in Central Park and some of the area around Lincoln Square.  Afterwards, we had dinner at the Sugar Factory located on Broadway, a couple of blocks away.  It is a "hangout" for families and has a pleasant atmosphere.

Children celebrating a birthday at a table next to ours at the Sugar Factory.
After our service on Thursday, we and the Barneys went Downtown to Times Square.  We attended the Broadway play "The Lion King", and thoroughly enjoyed the costuming, choreography, and the timeless message that the story line portrays.

Golden, Rod, and Roxann in Subway going to "Lion King"

Foyer of theatre where "Lion King" was playing

Elder Adams and Sr. Barney before the show

Sr. Barney, Elder Barney, and Elder Adams

On the way to the play, various dancers and other groups were "entertaining" at Times Square.  Rod was recruited to be part of the entertainment where he and other participants as well as viewers were asked to donate $$ to the entertainers who were doing acrobatic-types of moves.

Street "Entertainers" @ Times Square
Rod Barney - "The Cowboy" recruited to the group.
"What's goin' on and how did I get into this?" group
 As soon as we finished our assignment at the Family History Center, we and the Barney's took the train to 42nd Street and walked to 12th Avenue (about a mile) where we took a tour of the sights of NYC on the NYC Water Taxi.  The main sites were Battery Park, Wall Street, Brooklyn Bridge, and Statue of Liberty.  Our second stop at Wall Street in the Financial District was the end of the line, so we had about a half-hour there.  While we were waiting for the next Taxi, we visited with a couple from Florida who had stopped at NYC on their way to a Cruise planned two years ago.

They were very concerned as Hurricane Irma was bearing down on Florida, projected to go north across the state.  Their horses were in the field and that seemed to be their big concern.

On the NYC Water Taxi
Wall Street - NYC Financial District
Brooklyn Bridge - Between Manhattan and Brooklyn
Statue of Liberty
Freedom Tower - location of Twin Towers & Ground Zero
Our last stop was Battery Park and we walked to the 911 Memorial, where we  spent some quiet time in contemplation.  On the site, the Freedom Tower was built even taller than either of the Twin Towers.  From here, we ate at the Amish Market before we boarded the subway to return to Lincoln Square.  It was fun to share time with Rod and Roxann as they visited NYC.

On Saturday, the Women's Conference on Sunday and we had several visiting General Authorities. We had Sister Nelson, President Nelson's wife, Sister Gong, Sister Buckner, Sister Reynolds, and Sister Waddell. We met in the Stake Center over on 87th Street and 3rd Ave. We got there around 8:15 a.m. and I was able to get on the very front row so it was really nice.

Sisters Nelson and Sister Bench on the stand
Sister Nelson, wife of President Nelson
Sister Bench and Sister Waddell
Sister Smith bore her testimony about how the Lord wants us home. He knows our name and he knows us personally. He hears and answers our prayers. She encouraged us to strengthen our relationship with the Savior through the Book Of Mormon.

Sister Bench shared her experience of when President Uchtdorf came into the baptistry when she was cleaning up and getting it ready for the next session. He said to her what a joyful work she was involved in. The temple brings joy to all who come.

Sister Waddell quoted the statement "Don't worry about the tings you cannot change." Over time the church has gone through good times and bad times and it still is going. If we live in such a way that we can have His spirit with us, we can live in peace and confidence in times of trouble. The Book of Mormon teaches us to remain faithful to the Savior because he can do anything to make all experiences in life work out for our best good. Keep doing all that we can do, and we will see the hand of God in all things.

Sister Gong  has been traveling the world teaching the various wards and branches how to work in counsels. She talked how difficult it was for the people in Cambodia because men to do not work with women so it is a new concept that they are going to have to get use to.

She shared an experience about a home teacher that was called to work with a companion that was not active. He would go over to this man's home every month and invite him to go with him and each time he would say that he did not do home teaching. On month the family was having problems and when he went to get him companion, he told him that the family was having problems. His companion finally said, "I guess if I am suppose to be responsible for them, I better get to know them and he went home teaching with him." That was the beginning of he and his family returning back to activity in the church.

Sister Nelson had us write our own psalm so that we could experience what spirit comes with writing them. This is the one that I wrote:
My First Psalm
Praise ye the Lord
For he hath given me life.
He hath given me my husband and my family
The Lord is my friend, my hope, and my Savior
I will follow him and give all my glory to him.

Sister Nelson stated that the Lord will not force you to learn. You must exercise your agency to authorize the Spirit to be with you.

Unsolved trauma blocks the Spirit. She was encouraging us to withhold judgments and shared a story of a man that was faithful in paying his tithing and would pay a generous one. The bishop thought that he must be very well to do by the amount he paid. One day the bishop happened to make a comment regarding his wealth but the man told him that he did not make that much money, he was only paying on what he would like to make. A few years later he finally made it.

She also told us that she was at one of her meetings, they took a survey of 100 children to see how many tribes of Isarel were represented and at one point, all tribes were there. Children between the ages of 19-26 years are the ones that are saying that "we do not have time."

The afternoon schedule was the New York New York North Mission Conference, and the main message of President and Sister Nelson, Elder and Sister Gong, Elder and Sister Waddell was that the missionaries are gathering Israel, and are looking for the elect.  Those who have already accepted the gospel are very anxious for the missionaries to find their posterity so that they will be able to receive the ordinances of the temple to continue in their progression.  So it is totally appropriate to pray to have angels surround us in our service.

Senior Missionaries in the New York New York North Mission - Most women were missing due to the women's conference in the morning and they could not get back in time. (Front row l-r: Sister Buckner, Elder David Buckner, Elder Gong, Sister Gong, Sr. Wendy W. Nelson, Pres. Russell M. Nelson, Elder Waddell, Sr. Waddell, Sr. Rebecca Smith,  Pres. David Smith (NYNYN Mission), Sr. Coleman; Back row l-r: Pres. Gonzalez (NYNYN Mission 2nd Counselor), Sr. Richards, Elder Richards,  Pres. and Sr. Potter (NYNYN Mission 2nd Counselor),  Sr. and Elder Tyrell,  Elder Honeycutt, Elder Miles, Elder Coleman, Elder Hanson, Elder Adams, Elder Young (Mission Nurse).
 President and Sister Nelson were the speakers at the first Stake Conference of New York New York Singles Stake on Sunday (today).  They admonished the singles to prepare for marriage, even though it may not occur while they are in this life.  Great blessings are in store for them.  One impressive comment was that in the older generation of which Pres. Nelson is one, the lineage was of Joseph (in his case Ephraim).  Now in the younger generation, all of the twelve tribes are being represented and he introduced Patriarch and Sister Bushman.  He wrote the book "Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling".  President Nelson encouraged those who had Patriarchal Blessings to read them often, and for those who did not have they yet, to get with their Bishops for a recommend to receive theirs.

We had our first training in Manhattan 1st Ward with the Temple and Family History Consultants, the Ramey's.  We will have the opportunity to prepare their experiences on "Helping Others to Love Family History" as they continue to fulfill their callings.  Along with Inwood 1st Ward, they are leading the stake in number of members actively involved in Family History.