25 December 2016
Well, we have made it to our 7 1/2 month mark here in New York and I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I have had many wonderful experiences and my testimony of this work has grown. I have to say that this is our Savior's work to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of [all] men." Whether we choose to be a part of His plan is really up to us, He can only invite and pray that we will accept this offer.
It has been a rather calm week as far as the family history center goes. We have had two or three people come in each day but most of them we able to work on their own and little assistance. There is always Pedro that will keep us on our toes. He loves being with Golden or myself and to as he puts it "Let me just tell you a story on how I got here." Four hours later, we are still hearing his story but when he leaves, he leaves with a smile of his face and knowing that we are glad that he came. When the other missionaries come in to relieve us, Pedro will get up and leave with us because he knows that they will not work with him.
Last month when Daniel and Melanie came to New York to stay with us for a few days and the nursery leader, Nabuko, took some pictures of Enoch playing while he was visiting. It is always such a joy to watch children as they play. They really get involved with their play.
Enoch is the one of the left.
Enoch is the one in the blue shirt with his back to us. |
This week, I can officially declare that I am a full fledged senior. I filed for Social Security Benefits and qualified. I use to have a deal with my husband, Golden, that he could not get old until I did. It has been a running joke since he is 7 years older than me. I guess his time has come where he can now claim ownership of his aches and pains as a part of the aging process.
We spent almost four hours at the Social Security Office because the worker that was assigned to us had never worked a claim that involved someone that worked under the umbrella of the state and did not pay into the Social Security system. He was so afraid of making a mistake that he just kept researching and researching all of the guidelines that he could find to insure that his decision was right.
He said that we the quietest couple that he had come in. He knew that we were Mormons, and he said that if he had the time, he would love to ask us some questions. Hopefully, someday, we will be able to get back there and give him a Book of Mormon to start his quest for answers about the Mormons.
Golden wanted a picture of the family history center as it is now a part of our mission history and we have had some wonderful experiences while serving there. It is located in the same building as the temple and the meetinghouse chapel which is attached to the tower where we live. It is all really convenient so if the weather gets really bad, we can opt to attend the ward here rather than traveling to Innwood which is 35 minutes away by subway.
Golden standing in front of the Family History Center Entrance |
Golden sitting at one of the computer stations we have for the patrons |
Golden just outside the doors to the Manhattan Temple. This is at the opposite end of the foyer from the Family History Center.
Last night, Christmas Eve, we went to a party with some of the missionaries that had no family for Christmas. We had a lovely dinner and then we watch a couple of church videos. Then each of us shared some traditions that our families had. We play the recording that I have of the music CD the my kids gave me for Christmas about four years ago. Elder Martinez kept telling me that I should promote them because they were so good. Everyone was surprised how well they sound together. I will always cherish the gift of music that all of my children, including grandchildren have given me. Music is such a universal language and is quick to touch the heart.
I guess the best way to end the year is to bear a missionary's witness and share the message that the Savior sent us out here to share. I just completed reading the Book of Mormon again, and I can say without a doubt, that it is true. It holds within it the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It hold promises that are sure and hope for eternal life. It proves that our Savior is unchanging. He has been with all people throughout the generations of time and the path that He has made is the same yesterday, today, and it will be the same for the future. All of us must repent and keep ourselves unspotted from the world, enjoy the blessings of baptism under proper authority of the priesthood, and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost who can be a constant companion who guides, teaches, warns, and bring peace in hard times.
God is our Heavenly Father and he lives. Our Savior, Jesus Christ was born, he lived and gave us a perfect example to get through this life, he died and was resurrected and is now an immortal God that still lives. He loves us and wants us back home with him. Of these things I leave my witness that they are true.
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