Monday, January 2, 2017

2 January 2017 - Happy New Year

2 January 2017

We have been pretty busy this last week. Because of the holidays, there were several people missing from the temple so they asked for volunteers. Sister Buchanan sent out an email letting anyone of the shift coordinators know that we were willing to sub if they needed help. We ended up serving on three shifts between Thursday and Saturday. By the end of Saturday, I was exhausted and decided that I would not work only one shift a day from then on. Temple work is physically exhausting and family history work in spiritually exhausting so I must say that when they say it is missionary work, they speak the truth, but missionary work is very fulfilling and rewarding when you see the joy that comes into the lives of those we have been serving.

While I was serving on the Friday shift, they asked me to be an guide for a sister coming for the first time. Her son was a member and sent her a Book of Mormon to read. When he called her and asked if she had read it and what she thought, she said "I know that it is true and I want to be baptized." It was a great experience to work with her and her daughter who was her escort and I will always cherish that time with them.

Saturday night after our shift at the temple, we met with several of the missionaries for a New Years even social at President and Sister Bench's apartment. There were 27 of us that came together with a potluck dinner and then games. Brother and Sister Mumford made up a game where we had to answers about 30 questions. We got a point for each answer that we got correct. After the questions, we used our points for an auction on some Christmas bags that we had no idea what was in them other than by the description that they gave that created a lot of questions. It was really fun and I got a pair of slippers from the bag that I purchased.

From left around the outside is Sister Grimley, Sister Martinez, Sister Dansfield, Brother Dansfield, Sister Bench, President Nixon, Sister Nixon, Brother Adams (Grandpa), Sister Adams (Nana), President Bench (standing), Sister Nahbors, Elder Mumford's daughter, Sister Mumford, Brother Mumford, Sister Bean. Front table to the right Sister Buchanan, Brother Buchanan, President Bean, Elder Jensen, Sister Jensen, Elder Holloway, Sister Holloway, Sister Thompson, Elder Martinez, Elder Harris, and Sister Harris. Elder and Sister Hansen, our relief missionaries came in after the picture was taken.

This picture was taken when Bro. Grimley told Brother Buchanan to cover his head so the glow of his bald head would not affect the camera. We all got a laugh off that one.

We had our curfew at 9:00 p.m. as President Bench was up at 3:00 a.m. to open the temple and at our age, that was pushing our energy levels not only for him but for most of us.

On Sunday, our ward switched to the 9:00 a.m. shift. We thought that we would make it easier and less of a walk if we transferred from the "1" train to the "A" train that would drop us off right across the street from the church. Only one problem, we forgot that there were two trains on the same track, a "B" and an "A'. We happen to get on the "B" and ended up in the Broynx. We thought of going to church down there, but it was about a 20 minute walk to the nearest church and we would have missed sacrament meeting. So, we opted to take the "B" train back to 66th street and go to a ward in the Manhattan building. 

Sunday night, we met with our Hebrew group to discuss what we had learned about Hebrew during the week. I have not had time to try and learn Hebrew but I love listening to the discussions. They are so enlightening and the Spirit gets pretty strong sometimes. It is amazing that the Jews, who can read Hebrew and translate it, have no idea what it means in reference to the divinity of the Savior and that he has already come. There are so many evidences in the Hebrew language that confirms this and they do not know it.

Last night, Elder Mumford, who is a sealer at the Manhattan Temple, explained what the Sealing really meant. He explained how it is not only for the sealing of families, but it encompasses all of the ordinances involved throughout the temple. He said that once the sealing ordinances are performed, it is then sanctioned by the Holy Spirit Of Promise and based on our worthiness, all will be valid throughout eternity. He compared it to the old wax sealings used to secure letters from royalty indicating that it was official and what was inside was assured to be from the King. It really opened my eyes to wonders that are held within the temples and I gained a greater appreciation for the work that we are involved with.

I love the Lord and I know that His words are sure. He knows me and loves me personally and I can call on him any time and my prayers are answered. This is His work and it is moving forward in a way that is mind boggling and exciting and it is a privilege to be a part of it.

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