Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016

Our plane arrived 25 minutes early in New York so we were not so rushed to meet anyone. We worked ourselves to luggage pickup and then began trying to figure out who Bro. and Sister Frei were as they were trying to figure out who we were. We connected after about 15 minutes and our first lesson of New York was don’t plan on getting anywhere fast. Be prepared to take your time.

As we drove to our apartment which was about 1 ½ hrs. from the airport, we became a little nervous about the environment we were being put in. Here are some pictures of what we had to adjust to.

This is the street looking down from our apartment entrance and the entrance to our apartment on 9 Thayer Street, apt 11-E


 This is the elevator door to our apt on the 5th floor.

You open the blue door and then it closes and the white door closes.

This is inside the elevator. And now the best part is the floor in the elevator. 

About this time, we were really worried about what the rest was going to be. But after a little adjusting, our apartment is really quite nice and large. Here is a tour of our apartment.

This is the outside hall to our apartment and the main entry hall inside and below is a picture of two happy missionaries waiting to see the surprise within.

 As we opened the door we looked down a long main entry way.  To the right their was the kitchen, and next down the hall was a large dining area.


At the end of the main hall is a large living room.


Before entering the living room there is a long hall to your right going the bathroom and bedroom. 

 The bathroom is really cozy, but trying to organize or put anything away in the bathroom is not going to happen without some ingenuity.

 All in all, our apartment has a lot of personality when you get on the inside. What a great lesson to learn on our first day.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 15, 2016

At 4:30 p.m. we were set apart as missionaries for the New York New York North Mission by President Stephen Quesenberry of the Salem Utah West Stake. We will be working as Family History specialists in the Family History Support Center in Manhattan.

Matthew and his family along with Chantel and her family came to support us while we were set apart. The blessing was wonderful and will give me courage to get through the tough parts of the mission.

After the setting apart we all had a wonderful time fixing dinner and just visiting. Family is what life is all about. It was such a joy to have them here. Afterwards my son Matthew gave us each a blessing with great promises for each of us that will help carry our mission forward along with blessings to those we are called to serve. The Lord's work will roll forward and nothing will stop it until it is complete and the Savior comes in all his Glory. What a wonderful opportunity it will be to be a part of this great prophecy.

May 16, 2016

Here are some pictures of the apartment that we were assigned to. The accommodations were very nice and we enjoyed our stay.

Today was our first day in the MTC. We arrived at 10:00 am and was taken through orientation for about two hours and then went to lunch. Brother and Sister Taylor are our Branch President and Relief Society President and we have been assigned to Bro. Sessions as our District leader. This is our district picture. Starting from back left is our afternoon instructor, Sister Eliason, Elder Adams, Elder Sessions, Elder Gunter, and our other afternoon instructor Sister DeVries. From front left is Sister Adams, Sister Sessions, and Sister Gunter.

At 1:00 pm we were introduced to the Mission Presidency and their wives.President Burtasso spoke about he and his wife being called on a mission about three years ago. As they were getting ready to leave, they learned that their daughter Diana was going to have a baby girl but she would be born with Spina Bifida. They were concerned about going on their mission as their daughter would be bed fast for the last several weeks until the baby was born. They also had suggested that they perform a new surgery on the baby to correct the formation of her spine before birth to curtail some of the nerve damage.

The point that he brought out was that they were counseled to continue on to their mission as the baby and mother would be under the care of our Father in Heaven. He knew of the babies condition before anyone knew and still the mission call was issued. Our Father is aware of each of us and He will take care of us.

Sister Burgess spoke of the blessing that when we are on the Lord's errands, we are entitled to his blessings. His promises are sure and we can trust in him. We will accomplish our mission one step at a time and one prayer at a time.

President Burgess encouraged us to find our purpose for serving this mission. As we learn to come unto Christ and teach others to do likewise, we will be able to experience a might change in our lives. The Gospel of Jesus Christ defines both our message and our purpose

Brother Taylor stated that while here at the MTC try and go out of your way to "Be a little kinder than necessary." There are many struggling missionaries that are away from home for the first time. Be aware of their needs. Here is a picture of a baptism that we were challenged to find. Were these people aware of the needs of those being baptized? Notice the men positioned at the edge of the water watching for danger (crocodiles).

Brother Chinn talked about how the gospel of Jesus Christ defines both your message and your purpose. We have the WAY! The Book of Mormon. Get out of the way so that the spirit can teach. Do not block the light. 

Here is a picture of Golden walking to our classes.

At 6:00 pm we watched a video by Elder Bednar of the Quorum of the 12 apostles. I think that this talk was one of the reasons I came on this mission. He spoke of the need to understand and know know the character of the Savior before conversion could be achieved. Elder Bednar gave three steps in this process. 1. We need to have faith that God exists. 2. Need to know the true character of God. and 3. Know that the path we are pursuing is in harmony with the Savior's character.

He answered a long time question of mine as to how the Brother of Jared could have such great faith that the veil had to be removed for him to see the finger of God. His thought was that the Brother of Jared did not see the finger of God on the first or second stone as they were lit,  but as he witnessed the each of the stones lighting up his faith grew until somewhere in the process of witnessing all sixteen stones being lit. he progressed to a perfect knowledge of God and was able to see the finger and ultimately be in his presence,

He expressed how all of the examples in scripture show how the Savior's character is an outward response to life which is opposite of that of the natural man. When we experience hard times or things don't go our way, we always think of ourselves and we want our way. This is the natural man and is an enemy to God. We need to harness the natural man and move to an outward response of pure love.

 All through the process of the Garden of Gethsemane and on to the cross, the Savior expressed his concern for his apostles when they could not stay awake, his mother that she would be taken care of, the sinners on the crosses next to him whom it said he would see in paradise , and all those that were a part of the crucifixion where is said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  We need to respond to people out of the pure of love God and not for blessings before we can move toward a full conversion which can secure our exaltation.